2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
WDTC run a large two day KC agility show every April at Newbury Showground
This show has about 11-13 rings running each day and attracts over 7,400 entries
Some of the classes are qualifiers for prestigious events

Annual Show Contact
Show Secretary
Camping and Helping at the Show
22-23 April 2023
Newbury Showground, Berkshire, RG18 9QZ
* Agility Club Starters Agility Challenge
* KC Agility Stakes ABC
There were the following entries:
- 10 rings on Saturday
- 11 rings on Sunday
- 1,728 dogs entered
- 991 FPP accounts entered
- 7,091 dog runs
- 792 YKC runs
- 220 camping units

- 1 broken laminator
- 61 evening dinners for helpers
- 136 breakfast baps for judges and helpers
- 136 lunch vouchers for helpers
- 42 Judges/RM/Scrime lunches
23-24 April 2022
Newbury Showground, Berkshire, RG18 9QZ
* Agility Club Starters Agility Challenge
* KC Agility Stakes ABC
It was great to be back after a two year enforced absence!
There were the following entries:
- 1,450 dogs entered
- 5,636 dog runs
- 199 camping units

Cancelled due to Coronavirus pandemic
25-26 April 2020
Cancelled after closing date due to Coronavirus pandemic
There were the following entries:
- 13 rings on Saturday
- 12 rings on Sunday
- 1,969 dogs entered
- 1,122 FPP accounts entered
- 7,947 dog runs
- 352 YKC runs
- 90 Veteran Handlers.
- 245 camping units

We were due to host:
- Kennel Club Olympia Stakes for Large ABC dogs (Anything But Collies) qualifier
- International Tour qualifier
- Young Kennel Club Crufts Qualifiers
- First Place Processing qualifier
- Dog Vegas qualifier
- Veteran Jumping qualifier

27-28 April 2019
Click the thumbnails to view
- 1,947 competing dogs
- 77 classes
- 1,064 entries
- 7,586 dog runs
- 11 rings Saturday
- 11 rings Sunday
- 228 camping pitches
- Agility Club Starters Agility Challenge
- LOW 550 Jumping Cup
- SAM’s Steeplechase Cup
21-22 April 2018
- 1,932 competing dogs
- 78 classes
- 7,510 individual entries (i.e. runs) over the two days
- 11 rings Saturday
- 11 rings Sunday
- 249 YKC runs
- Agility Club Starters Agility Challenge
- Showoffs Jumping Cup
- LOW 550 Jumping Cup
- Adams Jumping Cup
- SAM’s Steeplechase Cup
Click the thumbnails to view
22-23 April 2017
40th Anniversary year!
Click the thumbnails to view
16-17 April 2016
The year of all four seasons over two days!
Click the thumbnails to view
18-19 April 2015
- 7,573 individual entries (i.e. runs) over the two days
- Only 448 (6%) were paper entries as opposed to online entries
- On Saturday there were 4,220 runs, giving an average of just over 350 runs per ring
- On Sunday there were 3,315 runs, giving an average of 368 runs per ring
- 1,760 competing dogs entered online
- 68 different breeds

One of each of these breeds entered:
- Affenpinscher
- Australian Shepherd Dog
- Australian Terrier
- Basset Hound
- Bavarian Mountain Hound
- Brittany
- Chihuahua
- English Pointer
- Fell Terrier
- Flat Coated Retriever
- Greyhound
- Japanese Spitz
- Lagotto Romagnolo
- Norwich Terrier
- Pumi
- Pug
- Small Munsterlander
- Spanish Water Dog
- Swedish Vallhund
- Tibetan Terrier

Click the thumbnails to view
Show not held
20-21 April 2013
- 7,246 entries in total
- 6,518 were online entries
- 629 (less than 9%) were postal entries
- On Saturday there were 3,743 entries, giving an average of 416 runs per ring
- On Sunday there were 3,503 runs gave an average of 390 per ring

Some of the more unusual breeds entered:
- American Bulldog
- Small Musterlander
- Large Musterlander
- Spanish Water Dogs
- Swedish Vallhunds
- Curly Coated Retreivers
- Brittany Spaniels

Click the thumbnails to view
17-18 April 2010
A bit of trivia:
- 10 litres of squash and at least 75 litres of water on the rings due to the fabulous weather
- Ice Cream man did better than the coffee man
- Sponsored Trophies: Teams 3 x 4, Pairs 6 x 2, First Contact – 3, Agility Club – 6
- Trophies – 1 broken 2 spares used
- We ordered 150 trophies from plus 6 spares
- 240 camping pitches
- 70 pegs to reserve camping & trade stands
- 18 rings
- 20 judges
- 65 classes
- 6 trade stands
- 330 offers of help
- Over 70 black waste bags were put out and collected

- 1,027 handlers
- 2,044 dogs
- 7,100 separate class entries
- 183 trophies were handed out
- 671 placed rosettes were awarded
- 401 clear round rosettes
Click the thumbnails to view